Mc Review

Today I've had my very first review.

We had to put up all our photos, paintings, drawings and both of our models on the walls so that everyone could walk around and look at our projects.

I'm fairly happy with my project, it's just a shame that I couldn't get more feedback from the teachers. 
One teacher said it was pretty good but that I had to practice my sketching technique. Yeah...doesn't everyone...?
I mean, he gave me some good advice but I needed more concrete feedback, especially on the actual project.
Is that to much to ask?

Now I have no idea whether my project is bad, good, very good or just crap, basically.
Atleast I know that I have to practise sketching...

Now over to something much more fun!

After all this review talk, me and Segolené decided to go shopping. I bought this lovely earrings from River Iland, £6.99.
I also ordered a gorgeous pair of shoes, just wait until you see them, you'll die!


Tomorrow is a big day.

After school I'll be meeting my boyfriend at the Vic, it has been three weeks since I saw him!

Be true*

Studio slavery

Okey, maybe it's not that bad.

But i'ts not that far from the truth either.

Today I arrived at the studio at 9.15 am, and left the building at 9 pm!
I did have some "breaks" if you count eating, and lectures...

So what is the secret of surviving a day like this?

Hot chocolate, my friends!
And yes, you can be addicted to hot chocolate aswell.

Especially with alot of whipped cream on top. :)

Be true*

I'm gonna use you honey.

Leah's tuna pasta. -simple and actually really good!

Fry tuna, some red onion and a small clove of garlic.
Add some milk and salt.
Put in already cooked pasta, some vegetables and let it boil for 1-2 minutes.
Take a pinch of black pepper an finish it off with a tablespoon of honey. =)

-It didn't taste garlic, it didn't taste honey, it was just a perfect mess off several beautiful flavours.

Except cooking have I also been waxing my legs...

...and I promise you, it's not that beautiful and painless as it appear to be at these serene photos.

Ouch! Is my only comment, but I'm a used waxer by now. Just canalise some anger and start waxing! =)

Remember that your skin will be irritated the first day after waxing, so prepare yourself by doing it the day before you actually need those gorgeous smooth legs. -Good luck!  

Be true*

I'm working on it

Yes, everyday is working day even on Saturday's and Sunday's.

I am currently working on my first project, Parallel Planes.
It's purpose is to teach us about light & shadows, modelmaking and practising how to translate from three dimensional objects into two dimensional drawings.

Because the studio was closed today I decided to purchase groceries for the week.
Today have I basically cooked and been sketching all day except for a little nap.

If you wonder why the picture of my lunch looks a bit grey and booring, it's beacause I was too lazy to actually unpack my bag where the better camera was.

My lunch:
Fry the chicken in some olive oil.
Then add some sauce (I used Uncle Ben's; Lemon and ginger) and some water.
Wait a few minutes when boiling. (I also added just a little bit of salt and curry)
Then add as much broccoli as you want!

Serve with rice, cous cous or noodles and some vegetables

It's delicious!

Be true*


This evening they had reggae theme at the Vic.

After a whole day in the studio, working on our projects, we decided to go out to the Vic. We didn't know that it was a reggae DJ there until we got there, but it was cool.
I think we all need a boost of reggae music once in a while, it sets a good mood =)

Everything was great, the only problem was these three weirdos...

Me and Segolene in the ladies room.

& remember, NO WAR=> *peace*

Be true*  

Naked man, oops!

What have I been doing today? 

Well let's say that it's something that I usually do back home in Sweden...
which would be looking at a naked man.

The only difference is that it this time wasn't my man but just a man.
Totally naked he was posing infront of me and 19 other students.
If someone should be on my blog it should be him.
I mean he's like a version of me, only wearing less clothes and being a bit more manly. But still, strikes the pose!

It's just like in the films, the model is first wearing a robe then he takes it off and step up on a podium and holds a pose. It's a pretty amazing feeling, it didn't seem real to me almost.

All in all it was a pretty good experience, and no, not beacuse of the naked man, I learned alot during this class, actually it was the most fun I've had since I moved here. 
Next week I'll have my second and anfortunately the last life drawing session, however, a real man, my man, will be waiting outside school this day.
That's better than thousands of life drawing sessions...

Be true*

Snabbt och nyttigt :)

Efter en stressig och slitsam dag i skolan får man se till att fylla på med ny energi.
Så vad gör man när man kommer hem sent och är vrålhungrig?

Jo idag slängde jag ihop en äggröra med diverse grönsaker i, till det grönsallad, tomater, hårt bröd och apelsinjuice. Gott var det.

Be true*

7 hours! =)

Finally I got some sleep.

Both night to Monday and Tuesday I just couldn't sleep.
Nervous, anxious, excited, distracted? Yes probably a little bit of everything.
So that I actually managed to sleep 7 hours this night felt calming. I'm afraid though that two nights with barely no sleep do affect both my appearance and my work.

So hopefully (fingers crossed) I have many, many good night sleeps ahead of me. 

I wish you all a good night sleep!

Be true*

My first school day

First day in school, "CHECK!"

So how was it? Exciting, nervous, interesting?

Sorry that I have to disappoint you guys!
It was boring, tiring and uninspiring.

I couldn't sleep last night, so you can imagine also being tired when listening to a man speaking half the day and then watching a lenghty film afterwards.
The film wasn't too bad though, it was just to long to watch at one time (over 2 hours).

And between all this, there were som important information popping up from time to time. 
Our teacher preached about how important it was to be organised, be on time etc. in order to be an architect. 
Sure, I agree! But it's not that easy to be organised if your teacher isn't.

When I left school, I felt like I had been run over by a train.
I think we all were a bit overwhelmed. One day at a time...

Hopefully it will be better tomorrow :)

Please inspire me, don't try to scare me!

Be true*

The three scandinavians

Today I have been doing a whole lot of nothing!

At 6.30 pm I managed to get my ass out of my flat. I met up with Camilla (in the middle) and then we walked the 3.5 km to Bellas flat. Together we made chicken tortillas and watched The Hangover, it always makes you laugh!

The only interesting thing that happend this saturday was that me and Camilla finally got to meet Bellas boyfriend, who's Irish.

Now I'm gonna wash my face, go to bed and read a chapter in my book,
Club Dead. (True Blood)

Night everyone!

Be true*   (I got your text hone! =) )       

Strike the pose, folks!

Strike the pose, premiére.

It was yesturday I became happily surprised by this outfit.
Who would have thought that I would find such style here in Glasgow?

This gorgeous girl named Lorna blew me away walking up the stairs.
Striking ofcourse, so I simply asked her to strike a pose.

The best of all, is that she bought this jumpsuit in Paris for only 10 pounds
(a little more than 100 kr), give me a break!

Influenced by the 80's, Lorna manages to give the modern hippie a whole new meaning. F*ck hippie chick and welcome the more sofisticated and classy version.

Be true*

Rockabilly theme night

Det var ungefär en timme sedan jag kom hem från festen på The Vic.

Temat för kvällen var Rockabilly och givetvis går man, all in!

Dem otroligt snygga skorna har jag lånat av min grekiska granne Fay. Vi bestämde oss för att bytlåna under kvällen, eftersom dessa passade så otroligt bra med den temafest jag skulle på.

Andreas fyllde 22 år! (Swiss- German)

Välkommen på arabiska... :) (den till höger ser ni från rätt håll, ska läsas från höger)

Puss, puss Bella.

Be true*

Pub Crawl

Ikväll har jag varit på Freshers Pub Crawl.

(För att klargöra vissa saker; Freshers som i nya studenter och Pub Crawl som i att kråla mellan de olika pubarna.)
Det hela går alltså ut på att gå från pub till pub och dricka en eller två öl på varje ställe, en rätt kul idé om jag får säga det själv.

Den mesta alkoholen verkar billigare häromkring i Skottland. Om man köper en öl ute här i Glasgow kostar den 3 pund, dvs drygt 30 kr.
Ännu bättre är det på The Vic, som är skolans egna café/pub/club där kostar en Tennants (öl) 1,5 pund, drygt 15 kr.

Vid tredje stoppet snodde jag en killes (Bens) "raveband", tydligen hade "pub-ledaren" delat ut dem till folk tidigare under kvällen. Tyckte just min var absolut snyggast eftersom den var regnbågsfärgad till skillnad mot dem andras.

Just nu hänger den på en hylla i mitt rum, så ikväll får den fungera som en liten nattlampa.

Be true*

One red long corridor


Eftersom jag skulle ha med mig så mycket packning följde mina föräldrar med mig ner till Glasgow.

Dem hade bokat ett hotell som minst sagt var innovativt, both internal and external.
Ovan ser ni korridoren till deras rum, med allt det röda och svarta kom jag osökt att tänka på Charlaine Harris böcker som även TrueBlood är baserade på.
Är det inte såhär ett vampyrhotell skulle se ut?



...något konstigt...

...och helt i svart och rött.

Be true*

Sparven flyger söder ut.

Japp nu sitter jag här i Glasgow, Scotland på mitt studentrum. Det är alltså här jag kommer att blogga ifrån framöver.

Vad har jag då gjort sedan jag anlände i Fredags?

Jo det mesta har handlat om att inhandla nödvändigheter till rummet/lägenheten.
Jag bor alltså i en lägenhet med fyra andra tjejer; Fay från Grekland är min närmsta granne sedan har vi också Emma och Lucy från Skottland och Amna från Bahrain, Mellanöstern.

Givetvis tog vi en trip till IKEA, vilket dem flesta nya studenter gör.

Man kände sig nästan som hemma med alla svenska ord, bokstäver och köttbullar med lingonsylt!

Stället där man kan lämna in barnen heter Småland, en filt heter Stockholm och en soffa Karlstad :) De kör alltså på samma namn på alla varor såsom vi har i Sverige. Det var rätt lustigt att höra alla deras försök att uttala de svenska orden, speciellt eftersom många innehåller just å,ä och ö.

Här står jag och posar så fint med min nya bäddmadrass.

Annat vi köpte var:
*Nytt täcke (ett varmare)
+ lite smått och gott.

Räkningen slutade ungefär på 2 500 kr.

See you soon with more news ;)

Be true*

Det var en gång...

...två tjejer som växte upp på denna lilla ort.

Sen hände både det ena...

...och det andra.

Ja låt oss kalla det, att vi växte upp...

Be true*

Taking it easy...

Idag har varit en riktig slappisdag.

Jag sov ganska länge för att återfå mina krafter som hade sinat under gårdagen.

I Måndagskväll lade jag mig ganska sent ungefär vid tvåtiden sådär, men är man ledig på dagarna har man också lyxen att bestämma sin egen dygnsrytm.

Trodde jag...

07.40 ringer dem från skolan och vill att jag ska jobba, från kl 08.00!
The beauty of being a vikarie.
Dessutom skulle jag ha fyra spanskalektioner...    -Si..?

Haha, men det gick bra och det är ändå väldigt roligt att jobba på skolan, fast skippar nog helst spanskan i fortsättningen.

Be true*

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