Mc Review

Today I've had my very first review.

We had to put up all our photos, paintings, drawings and both of our models on the walls so that everyone could walk around and look at our projects.

I'm fairly happy with my project, it's just a shame that I couldn't get more feedback from the teachers. 
One teacher said it was pretty good but that I had to practice my sketching technique. Yeah...doesn't everyone...?
I mean, he gave me some good advice but I needed more concrete feedback, especially on the actual project.
Is that to much to ask?

Now I have no idea whether my project is bad, good, very good or just crap, basically.
Atleast I know that I have to practise sketching...

Now over to something much more fun!

After all this review talk, me and Segolené decided to go shopping. I bought this lovely earrings from River Iland, £6.99.
I also ordered a gorgeous pair of shoes, just wait until you see them, you'll die!


Tomorrow is a big day.

After school I'll be meeting my boyfriend at the Vic, it has been three weeks since I saw him!

Be true*


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